Republic Broadcasting Network

Republic Broadcasting Network

Authentic News with Jim Fetzer, October 6, 2023 Hour 2

October 06, 2023

6 October Trump was reported to be considering joining a GOP meeting about who would be the next speaker. Daily Kos (well-known far-left website) attacks and smears everyone involved in deposing Kevin McCarthy, which was the right thing to do (especially because he violated agreements with the Freedom Caucus over funding for Ukraine by making a side deal with Biden to keep the money flowing). Trump has now endorsed Jim Jordan as the next speaker, where he’s going to become one of the greats! This move is going to go far to cement his Speakership. Tom Fitton reported on the latest move by Trump’s legal team pointing out classic constitutional protections extending to the President of the United States in discharging the responsibilities of his office, where ensuring the integrity of national elections clearly qualifies among them–and which ought to vitiate some of the legal efforts currently being undertaken to affect the outcome of the 2024 election. In addition, the FBI appears to be secretly targeting Trump supporters ahead of the 2024 election, labeling MAGA followers as ‘domestic violent extremists’, which was among the most important reasons for manufacturing the events of J6. And Vladimir Putin declares that Klaus Schwab’s “days are numbered”, which many will welcome as the clearest possible statement of his opposition to the WEF and the NWO. Just yesterday (5 October), Putin called out Klaus Schwab and the WEF for promoting genocide and declared “your days are numbered”, one of the best remarks ever! Sirens blazed as Russia held a nationwide emergency drill for surviving a nuclear attack. NATO says it has “scrapped the bottom of the barrel” in sending weapons to Ukraine, where Ukrainian officials are panic-stricken over the loss of financial support from the US following the ouster of Kevin McCarthy. Jim Jordan looks to be the odds-on choice to be the next Speaker of the House, which I believe will come to pass–especially since Trump has endorsed him. After allowing 8,000,000 illegals into the country, he now will allow Texas to finish its border wall? It may only be a gesture because so many (including Democrats) are upset by the problems an open border is generating. The New York AG says Trump’s complaints about the trial are based upon–what else?–racism! Philly school bans biological boys from girls bathrooms after 400 students walk out in protest. And the film, Sound of Freedom, becomes one of the “Top 10” best grossing films of 2021!
