Republic Broadcasting Network

Republic Broadcasting Network

Authentic News with Jim Fetzer, October 4, 2023 Hour 1

October 04, 2023

4 October Matt Gaetz succeeds in ousting Speaker McCarthy. He’s out. 8 Republicans joined all the Democrats to give him the boot. It was the first time it happened in the history of the Congress. Acting Speaker McHenry ordered Nancy Pelosi to vacate her hideaway office. McCarthy will not run for Speaker again. What happens now? To my surprise, Trump advisors said he did not support Gaetz in this effort. It has become more and more obvious the left is using these lawsuits to improperly affect the 2024 election. The Supreme Court has struck down the first of many lawsuits trying to keep Trump off the ballot on 14th Amendment grounds. Trump was mobbed making a surprise stop at an ice cream shop in CA. RFK Jr. appears to be running as an independent, which will threaten progressives in various way. The Truth about Michell (that she dissed blacks in Chicago) is small potatoes compared to her being a man who dresses like a woman. Check out “Michelle Obama is a Man, Oh Yeah!”, New evidence FBI rant J6 and fabricated documents to implicate innocent Americans. Merrick Garland implicated by FBI agent. Trump blowing the whistle. Dems turn against Biden as migrants overrun their cities. Rep. Henry Cuellar carjacked in Washington, D.C. New EV battery factory requires coal plant to operate. ND Senator who called for long term mRNA damage study dies in odd plane crash. Looks like what happened to Sen. Paul Wellstone. Tucker and Victor David Hanson: Don’t be naive. We are in the midst of a revolution. A civil rights activist says the first thing America has to do to recover is get rid of white guilt.