Republic Broadcasting Network

Republic Broadcasting Network

Authentic News with Jim Fetzer, September 25, 2023 Hour 2

September 25, 2023

25 September Seymour Hersh’s report–based on inside intel sources–that the war with Russia over Ukraine is over and the Russians won! Perhaps out of desperation, an attack was made on the HQ of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, where (so far) only one death has been confirmed and it does not appear to have been the CiC (who was said by other sources to have been killed). A US Poseidon aircraft was flying over Romania at the time and may have directed the attack electronically. Russia is properly protesting that the US is at war with Russia, which of course is the case. Meanwhile, a Leopard tank was taken out in Ukraine that turned out to be manned by regular German soldiers in violation of NATO claims to not be actively engaging with Russia on behalf of Ukraine. The Pentagon has exempted Ukraine ops from defunding, should the government shut down. The Israelis want Ukraine–all of Ukraine including Crimea and the Donbas–but Russia will never surrender them. WEF orders governments to prepare for BILLIONS of “social credit prisoners”, which is how they really think. Phoenix becomes the first American city to ban mean and private car ownership. INSANE! New list of Epstein Pedophiles released by New York Magazine. Missing F-35 draws speculation and ridicule. FOX misrepresents Trump’s lead over DeSantis. More proof of massacre at Maui. CDC admits it faked 99% of COVID death to scare public to take the vax. The (fake) pandemic was kicked off in Italy for a host of circumstantial reasons. I am reposting my early studies of the pandemic because they are about to run an “INSTANT REPLAY”: