Republic Broadcasting Network

Republic Broadcasting Network

Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 09.21.23

September 21, 2023

Ron had Laurence Cumbie a/k/a “Lark in Texas” on the show today and they talked about the new unlawful government being fabricated for us slaves called “Corporatism” or the old name, Fascism (according to Benito Mussolini, PM of Italy WWII). Ron described two charts showing the difference between traditional direct government via the representatives of the people and the new corporatism. You can see this chart at:
This same system is called Pay for Success in the US and Social Impact Bonds in the UK and Israel. Sir Ronald Cohen is dubbed the father of Social Impact Bonds and his philosophy was read from his website at: No principle of anything was present in it.
Ron and Lark discussed the deceptive use of language to captivate the global audience and make the sell and have the technocrats implement the system. It is simply a system of compliance to the whim of those who have concentrated the wealth of the world into a cartel of like minds.
Ron said he thought the church or body of Christ on the earth is the only institution large enough with a doctrine that can bind Satan’s fabric. But the church does not seem to be interested in discerning their predicament, much less a solution for it. However, that does not mean it cannot or that it is too late.
Ron gave an example of a “Pay For Success” fascist program in Dallas Texas allowed by HB 3015 passed in the Texas House in 2015:
Ron wants to educate his listeners on the subject and how to deal with it.