Tandia Talks Money

Tandia Talks Money

Dollars and Sense: Saving Big with Clever Financial Hacks

June 05, 2023

Get ready to dance your way to financial success as we dive into the world of financial hacks and dupes. Budgeting can often feel like a dull and painful routine, but fear not! This week, we have 5 hacks up our sleeves that will have you grooving to sweet financial success. Starting out with the "Grocery Store Tango", we’ll talk through all things savings when it comes to grocery shopping and how to lower those grocery bills without sacrificing taste. "The Subscription Shuffle" will reveal clever strategies to negotiate better deals, find free subscription alternatives, and identify subscriptions you no longer need. Dancing into "The Entertainment Mambo", we'll show you how to have a blast without breaking the bank. Hack number 4: "The Side Hustle Shuffle"—we'll tap into your entrepreneurial spirit and show you how to earn extra income in a creative and sustainable way. Last but not least, it's time to find your perfect dance partner with "The Accountability Partner." We'll discuss the importance of having someone to keep you on track with your financial goals. Whether it's finding a budgeting buddy or joining supportive groups, having an accountability partner will help you stay motivated and accountable for your financial decisions.  

Today’s topics include:  

  • Tips and tricks for lowering your grocery bills  
  • Saving monthly expenses by adjusting and cancelling unnecessary subscriptions  
  • Fun ways to save on entertainment expenses and inspiration for budget-friendly activities  
  • Tips for starting a side hustle to earn extra income  
  • Staying accountable to your financial goals by partnering with an accountability partner 

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