Tandia Talks Money

Tandia Talks Money

What’s the Deal with Tariffs? How They Affect Your Finances

February 03, 2025

Welcome back to Tandia Talks Money, where we make finances fun and easy to understand! In today’s episode, your trusty money guide, Carla, breaks down one of the least exciting but most impactful topics: tariffs.

Sure, it sounds like something straight out of a political debate, but tariffs affect your wallet more than you might think. Whether you're in Canada or the U.S., tariffs are impacting your prices, job security, and economic growth—whether you realize it or not. So what exactly are tariffs, and why should you care?

In this episode, we’ll explain what tariffs are in simple terms (with a fun party analogy!), how they increase prices, and how they ripple through economies. From Americans paying higher prices for products to Canadians facing job losses, tariffs have far-reaching consequences. But don’t worry—Carla shares tips on how to protect your finances, including staying informed, reviewing your budget, buying local, and managing your debt.

We’ve also included a helpful link to a video from CBC, where Andrew Chang breaks down how Canada is responding to tariff threats and how they could affect businesses and consumers. https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/video/9.6621858

Key Takeaways:

  • What are tariffs? A simple breakdown of how these trade taxes affect your finances.

  • The ripple effects of tariffs: Higher prices in the U.S. and job losses in Canada.

  • How to prepare financially: Budget adjustments, supporting local businesses, and talking to a financial expert.

Stay ahead of the curve and protect your wallet—because tariffs aren’t just for economists. They affect everyone who wants to keep their finances on track!

Tune in every Monday for more bite-sized financial tips that’ll make you feel like a pro.

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