The Intimacy & Wellness Podcast by TSE

The Intimacy & Wellness Podcast by TSE

Podcast #60 How To Find Love & Healing After A Terrorist Attack

May 31, 2017

We felt the call to do a podcast about the horrific terrorist attack in Manchester, UK on May 22nd 2017. Yes, we normally podcast about sexuality or relationships but if you look closely, the theme that runs through all of our podcasts is that of love and healing.

When such a horrific incident occurs we all (as a culture) go into some form of shock. We can't understand why a human would do this to another group of humans. We also then start to think about politics and why are we fighting wars. We then don't know how to communicate this with our friends and peers. It can be a frightening and traumatic loop.

The media will often push more fear into the public domain and so it continues.

On the podcast we wanted to have a different kind of conversation. You will find this conversation is a RAW and humble look at what we can do individually to help ourselves heal from this trauma.