The Intimacy & Wellness Podcast by TSE

The Intimacy & Wellness Podcast by TSE

Podcast #35 Lauren Elizabeth Walsh Podcast: From Wounds To Wisdom + The Sisterhood

December 27, 2016

This is an amazing podcast with Lauren about how women can come together in circles for healing and the chance to unify rather than compete. Highly recommended listening for men & women alike!

Lauren Elizabeth Walsh is Co-Founder and Co-Director of the Unify Global Sisterhood Movement, Woman's Spiritual Empowerment Coach, and Creator of Wounds to Wisdom. The Global Sisterhood movement began on March 8, 2016. International Women’s Day, when thousands of women worldwide synchronized by gathering in 642 women’s circles with the intention to connect, heal, and ignite a worldwide sisterhood of soulful women devoted to transforming ourselves and our world.

Every new moon women unify by gathering in sister circles in alignment with a transformational theme that supports the healing and rise of the feminine. Lauren’s passion and expertise is assisting women to heal from emotional wounds through cultivating a powerful spiritual connection, self-awareness and radiant self-worth, so they can step into their soul's purpose.

Lauren's work is based on her own journey from trauma and self- sabotage, to service and leadership. She is a devoted student of Amazonian ritual and ceremony, the body's emotional-energetic matrix, prayer, meditation, and living passionately. She has received training from healer Clara Shinoba Lura of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers. For more than 8 years Lauren has assisted in the facilitation of spiritual ceremonies in various leadership capacities.

Her passion for the liberation and wellbeing of all the women of world has led her to be a delegate representing Pathways to Peace at the UN for the Commission of the Status of Women. She has served as a mentor and “big sister” to many young women and teenagers whom she has met on her life's journey.

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