Ravens at the Crossroads

Ravens at the Crossroads

Season 2 – The Ravens Have Returned!

June 22, 2022

Look who’s flown in ready to begin Season 2 of our pagan podcast!

I know, it’s hard to believe that 2 years ago, almost to the day, we’ve been fairly quiet. We’ve been busily distracted by the unexpected twists and turns of life as we now know it since 2020.

Believe it or not, we recorded this episode several times over the past two years but the previous recordings weren’t quite right. In between life kept us incredibly distracted. Many changes occurred, losses and gains. Thankfully, we’re finally back in a place where we are able to go forth.

In this episode, we discuss some of the changes we experienced as well as our plans going forth this year. We also discuss the topic of community and where or how to find it.

Expect more interviews with some amazing pagans and witches, some travel and on-site event coverage, and of course, more Ravens Discuss episodes.

We also wish to thank our fans who’ve reached out during this time. Thank you so much for your support of our pagan podcast!

If you aren’t already, you can also find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Look where we began in 2019… here’s our first episode, an interview with Tommie Starchild.

If you would like to hear us interview someone specific or cover any pagan-related topics, you can always email us at info@ravensatthecrossroads.com

*EDIT: Not Laguna Beach, but Long Beach. I know this, but for some reason, I still said Pagan Pride LA was in Laguna. Twice! Maybe because we were talking about Rainbow Lagoon? Also, “THE” TikTok? When did I turn 80? “You kids get off my lawn!” *shakes fist in the air* I’m not THAT old!