Ravens at the Crossroads

Ravens at the Crossroads

Episode 26: Interview with Ivo Dominguez jr

June 10, 2020

Ivo Dominguez, Jr. has been active in Wicca and the Pagan community since 1978 and has been teaching since 1982. Ivo is a founding member and High Priest of Keepers of the Holly Chalice, the first Assembly of the Sacred Wheel coven, for which he currently serves as an Elder. Ivo has been published in numerous periodicals and is the author of Keys to Perception: A Practical Guide to Psychic Development; Casting Sacred Space: The Core of All Magickal Work; and Spirit Speak: Knowing and Understanding Spirit Guides, Ancestors, Ghosts, Angels, and the Divine, among other works. 

Ivo Dominguez Jr.
Website: ivodominguezjr.com
Facebook: facebook.com/ivodominguezjr/