Ravens at the Crossroads

Ravens at the Crossroads

Episode 24: Interview with Glenn Turner

May 22, 2020

This is the conclusion of our short series of interviews regarding Pantheacon. Each previous episode featured an interview asking about their experiences at PCon and their feelings regarding the conclusion of the convention.

Glenn Turner co-founded the New Reformed Orthodox of the Golden Dawn (N.R.O.O.G.D.) tradition. With N.R.O.O.G.D. she helped to co-found the Covenant of the Goddess (CoG). She organized the Ancient Ways Festival for many years. Until she retired this January, she also owned the Ancient Ways metaphysical shop in Oakland for over 31 years. Glenn organized the now-concluded PantheaCon Pagan conference.

Glenn discussed her life and the many ways she was instrumental in helping to create community and spaces for Pagans. We are grateful to have the opportunity to hear her first-hand accounts.