Ravens at the Crossroads

Episode 19: Interview with Butterfly Moon and Jay at PCon 2020
This is a continuation of our short series of interviews regarding Pantheacon. Each episode features an interview asking about experiences at PCon and feelings regarding the conclusion of the convention.
In this episode, the Ravens interviewed Paula (ButterflyMoon) and Jay (Runesmal) onsite at PantheaCon.
ButterflyMoon spent years exploring her own beliefs; trusting science and her own intuition, “Atheopagan with Woo” is the best way to describe her current pathway. Often found with a hammer or torch in her hand, bending metal to her will, she is no polite little butterfly. She uses these skills to make spiritually unique jewelry for any path that does not preach hate. Preach hate and she will likely run you down. You can identify her by the butterfly tattooed rubber butt on her mobility device. ButterflyMoon is also the alter ego of Paula Meier, a down-to-earth Tarot reader and teacher with more than 40 years’ experience using the cards. A Psychic Sensitive, artist, and ordained spiritual advisor, Paula shares her empathic and intuitive insights with friends and clients. Using a personal approach to both reading and teaching the Tarot, she uses the cards as spiritual signposts to help us make choices on the path of life.
Jay started exploring Wicca and light work around age 24, but found it was not a good fit. Upon discovering the Runes and being spoken by the Vanir, he became a Freyasmannr, before subsequently being claimed by Freya’s father, Njord, whose direction he now primarily serves. Jay says of his current path, “I am not a gothi (priest) nor a spokesman for Norse religion. I weave spells, tell stories, and try to make as little mischief as possible.”