Ravens at the Crossroads

Episode 16: Ravens Discuss – Japan and the Final PantheaCon
The Ravens wish to express our gratitude for our patrons this month:Simon - from GreeceCarol - from California Natalie - from CaliforniaThank you for your support!
Tyler shares some of the highlights from his recent trip to Japan where he discusses what he learned about Japan's people, culture, torii gates, shrines, and animism.
For more information about Torii Gates: https://www.japanvisitor.com/japanese-culture/torii-gates
The Ravens embark upon another road trip for a Pagan conference. This time it's to attend the final PantheaCon.
PantheaCon is held in San Jose, California over President’s Day weekend each year. It is a conference for Pagans, Heathens, Indigenous Non-European and many of diverse beliefs Over 2000 people attend more than 200 presentations that range from rituals to workshops and from classes to concerts. In additions to a fabulous Vendor hall, there are many diverse groups who host Hospitality rooms for meet and greets. Established in 1994 it is currently the largest Pagan gathering and convention in the world. https://pantheacon.com/wordpress/
EDIT: This year is the 26th annual event not the 21st.The Pagans of Color Caucus is to be organized by Crystal Blanton, MistressPrime, Tanuki Wise, and Nikka Tahan.CUUPS - The Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans: https://www.cuups.org/