Rare with Flair

Rare with Flair

97. how we stopped word-vomiting all our struggles

July 09, 2024

hi hello hey, get ready for some word vomit about oversharing!

Loyal listeners may find this premise familiar since we did an episode about oversharing on social media just last year. Funnily enough though, oversharing isn’t limited to online experiences.

Like many of our topics, this came up as part of living our daily lives and reflecting on the ways we talk about our disabilities with strangers, friends, and even romantic prospects, and how our attitudes have changed over time.

If you find yourself struggling to know how much to share, you’re not alone. We talk about why we may feel compelled to overshare and how we’ve straddled the line between wanting to be known and trying not to make disability our entire identities.

case and cass stand beside each other, pictured mid-sentence and emoting as they lead a sessionCase + Cass giving a talk at the HPS conference, 2024