Rare with Flair

Rare with Flair

91. doctors at a bar, cute lab mice, & dancing dinosaurs: HPS conference recap

April 16, 2024

hi hello hey, it’s springtime, which also means we get to recap one of our favorite things: the annual Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome family conference!

Back in 2021, we explained this very unique conference before back in episode 16 (!), so we recommend giving it a listen if you haven’t already. We love to recap these special times together like we did last year or even for the NOAH albinism conference in 2022. These conferences are like a world of their own, and we love sharing the magic with our listeners. Whether you’re part of our community and experienced it with us or if you’re learning about HPS for the first time, we hope you feel the love in this deep dive!

case and cass smile and hug in front of a step-and-repeat background with the HPS Network logo tiled all framed by a collection of red, black, and white balloons, some with polka dotsCase + Cass at the HPS Conference, 2024

show notes
