Andrew Rappaport's Daily Rapp Report
Latest Episodes
Rewind: Jesus went in private
Rapp Report Daily episode 75 When Jesus's brothers challenged Him to openly go to the feast, He went but no publicly. Jesus did go but in secret. Context is important when interpreting Scripture. This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and a
Rewind: Did Jesus lie about going to the feast
Rapp Report Daily episode 74 Jesus's brother challenged Jesus to go to the feast opening and not in secret and the question asked is, did Jesus lie when He stated that it was not His time, yet did go? This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity
Rewind: Always anticipate coming of the Lord
Rapp Report Daily episode 73 Jesus uses a Jewish idiom to tell people to always anticipate the coming of the Lord when he claimed that only the Father knows the day and the hour. This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resources
Rewind: Always be ready for the coming of the Lord
Rapp Report Daily episode 71 When Jesus claims that He does not know the day or hour only the Father knows, he was not claiming that there are things that He does not know. He was claiming that we must always be ready for the coming of the Lord. This po
Rewind: Is Jesus a Liar?
Rapp Report Daily episode 71 Some claim that Jesus lied in Matthew 24:36 and Mark 13:32 seems to claim that Jesus did not know something and yet He claimed to be God and to know everything. Is Jesus a liar or is there a much easier explanation. This pod
Rewind: Should be Judge other Believers?
Rapp Report Daily episode 70 Sometimes we hear Christians tell us that we are not to judge other Christians. However, Paul disagrees in 1 Corinthians 5:6, when he tells us that we are not to judge outsiders of the church but to judge the church. This
Rewind: You Must Judge
Rapp Report Daily episode 69 Would it surprise you to know that Jesus commanded us to judge others? He did in John 7:24. The issue that Jesus addressed is that we are not to judge others by outward appearances but to judge by a righteous standard, God's
Rewind: Hypocritical Judgment
Rapp Report Daily episode 68 Jesus does not tell us not to judge others in Matthew 7:1. He addresses the hypocritical judgment of the Pharisees. The issue that Jesus addresses is that we must hold ourselves to the same standard that use to judge others.
Rewind: Judge Not that You be Not Judged
Rapp Report Daily episode 67 Matthew 7:1 states, "Judge not, that you be not judged". Does that mean that we are not to judge others? Well not if you continue reading the context. The issue Jesus is making is not that we should not judge others, but the
Rewind: You Should Not Judge Others
Rapp Report Daily episode 66 One of the unwritten rules of our culture is the claim that one cannot judge other people. Often people quote the Bible, thinking that the Bible teaches that we should not judge other people. That is not what the Bible teache