Andrew Rappaport's Daily Rapp Report

Andrew Rappaport's Daily Rapp Report

Is God Masculine?

August 02, 2019

Rapp Report Daily 0370
Is God Masculine?
Why do we use a masculine name for God as a pronoun? Now, this comes up often by people who want to say that we should be open-minded to the fact that God can use female genders or that God is a female. They would like us to think about that, that the question is very simple. When you get challenged with this, the first question to ask the person is, whether or not they believe that a person should be able to be used the pronoun that they identify with. In other words, we live in a culture that tries to say that everybody has a right to the gender of their choice based on how they identify. If that is the case, well, the very simple answer is that God identifies as a male. Therefore, anybody who believes that we should respect the identity that someone prefers to be used, they should respect the pronoun that God prefers, and He calls Himself a male. Now, this does have I am sure to do with federal headship and why He created man first, He could have created female first, He chose that, for whatever reasons he knows, but the fact of the matter is, God identifies Himself as a man and so should we.

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