Rapid Change Matters

Latest Episodes
68: Interview With Tracey Grist
Interview with Hypnotherapist and Chairman for the National Council of Hypnotherapy Tracey Grist. Traceys expertise lies with complex trauma. Having spent some years working as a consultant therapist
67: Interview With Dipti Tait
The importance of walking the walk, changing beliefs, de-hypnotising people and getting your content out there. All this discussed and more with Solution Focused Hypnotherapist and author of the book "Good Grief", Dipti Tait, Head over to https://www.rap
66: Interview With Kathryn Hansen
Kathryn Hansen recovered from bulimia in 2005; and since then, she has been dedicated to educating and empowering women and men who struggle with all forms of binge eating. She is the author of Brain over Binge (2011) and the Brain over Binge Recovery ...
65: Interview With Ross Jeffries
Ross Jeffries (AKA Paul Ross)is an author, speaker, trainer, Master Hypnotist, and Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. - For the past 30 years, hes taught tens of thousands of peopl
64: Interview With Alan Whitton
Alan is an experienced changeworker with over a decade of real world client experience. He brings together Life Coaching protocols, NLP, IEMT, Strategic Provocation, Hypnosis, Common sense, Mindfulness, Humour,
63: Interview With Patrick McKeown
With 125 trained instructors across 30 countries, Patrick McKeown, Author of the "Oxygen Advantage" is recognised as a foremost authority in breathing for exercise performance and sleep. To date, Patrick has worked with elite military Special Forces,
62: Interview With Daniel McDermid
Born in Leeds, Daniel attended schools in the city. He later went to university in Leeds, graduating in Psychology. - His first career, though, was as a professional boxer until an injury forced him to quit.
61: Interview With Kevin Martin
Martin is a Master Hypnotherapist and Master NLP Practitioner. He is also a professional speaker, entrepreneur, and the author of the book, "Living Your Dreams by Simply Changing Your Perceptions". - Kevin has been presenting and training on hypnosis ...
60: Interview With James M. Vera
James M. Vera is a Board-Certified Hypnotist. He has a degree in Respiratory Therapy and has a background in EEG and seizure studies for both epileptic and non-epileptic seizures. - James has been a practicing hypnotist for the past 7 years and has an...
59: Interview With Dr Will Horton
Dr. Will Horton is one of the worlds top NLP and Hypnosis trainers in the application of helping people change. - A Licensed Psychologist, Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor, and Master Hypnotist, Dr. Will was one of the few non-law enforcement peop...