Randumb Thoughts

Randumb Thoughts

Latest Episodes

Episode #79 – The Big 50 – Randumb Thoughts Podcast
April 06, 2020

This episode details the joys of turning 50 under lock-down with so much bad news filling up the news cycles. I talk about my experience ordering groceries online, how MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski is a moron, how elections are getting pushed back,

Episode #78 – Life’ll Kill You – Randumb Thoughts Podcast
March 30, 2020

Covid-19 has killed 37,000 people since it began. An average day on Earth before Covid-19 saw 150,000 deaths a day. As Warren Zevon said, “Life’ll Kill Ya.” Governor Cuomo released 1100 parole violators for fear they might get Covid-19.

Episode #77 – Playing Politics – Randumb Thoughts Podcast
March 23, 2020

There is a medical and economic crisis going on throughout the world but the Democrats in America insist on playing politics instead of doing what is best for the nation. The items they want to be added to the Coronavirus bill should horrify every Amer...

Episode #76 – Isolation – Randumb Thoughts Podcast
March 16, 2020

This episode talks about just who is dying from the Coronavirus and the steps being taken to mitigate the fall-out. People around the world are being asked to stay self-isolated and we talk about the end result of that and what you can do to pass the t...

Episode #75 – The Sky Is Falling – Randumb Thoughts Podcast
March 09, 2020

The coronavirus fear continues to spread, the markets are crashing and panic is the new normal. The World Heath Organization provides some comic relief with their Coronavirus myths, but otherwise it is more doom and gloom in the media.

Episode #74 – Coronavirus – Randumb Thoughts Podcast
March 02, 2020

Is the coronavirus the pandemic the news media is making it out to be? Are we all going to die? How does poultry figure into the cure? What will happen to Twitter now that a GOP mega-donor has wrestled control?

Episode #73 – Risk – Randumb Thoughts Podcast
February 24, 2020

This episode talks about the effect Ryan Newman’s horrific crash at the Daytona 500 had on me, how MLB keeps going down the wrong path, and how DC Comics may soon be shutting down. Executive Producer: Pier Stith – Thank you!

Episode #72 – Bootlegs – Randumb Thoughts Podcast
February 17, 2020

This episode focuses on bootlegging and live music trading. The technology has improved over the years, but the community seems to have suffered because of it. That doesn’t mean we can’t rock out to some great music.

Episode #71 – Vinylgeddon – Randumb Thoughts Podcast
February 10, 2020

This episode talks about the fact that one of the two companies in the world that produces blank lacquer master discs for vinyl album production has burned down. They had been fulfilling 80% of the industry’s demand for these discs leaving a huge hole....

Episode #70 – Gritty – Randumb Thoughts Podcast
February 03, 2020

Orange Monster Good! Gritty. the Philadelphia Flyers mascot, has only been around for less than a year and a half yet has taken the world by storm. He is the most followed mascot on social media. He was just cleared of charges involving an assault invo...