RandomChatter Network
Latest Episodes
GMCU 345: The Prodigal Jay Returns
Jovial Jay returns to Guardians! We catch up on his shows on RetroZap and the MCU Location Scout and talk all things #MCU. #DisneyPlus #Marvel
GMCU 344: Midnight Sons? Get Out!
#JordanPeele might have spoken with #Marvel Studios, #DeadpoolAndWolverine have beer, and we have questions! #MCU #DisneyPlus
TCC 106: Spider-Man: Far From Home
Andrea, Keri and Fred tour Europe, with Peter Parker and Friends, while discussing Spider-Man: Far From Home, from 2019
ETD 39: Warrior Season 1
Keri and Shannon discuss the 1st season of Warrior, from 2019.
DCT 230: Crisis on Infinite Trailers
Keri is back with a brief news update on trailers that have dropped, in the past few weeks and other DC news.
GMCU 341: CinemaCon
Tim and Missy talk about #MCU casting, #CinemaCon announcements, #RDJ, #TSwift, and more! #DisneyPlus #Marvel
TCC 104: Captain Marvel
Andrea, Fred and Keri crash land into 1990's LA and discuss Captain Marvel, from 2019.
GMCU 340: Sinister Things
Sheba meets #ImanVellani, #XMen97 premieres, #EyesOfWakanda is coming, and more! #DisneyPlus #MCU #Marvel
ETD 38: Blue Eye Samurai Season 1, Part 2
Shannon and Keri conclude their discussion of Blue Eye Samurai Season 1.
GMCU 339: It’s Just Agatha
Tim and Jon talk about #Agatha, #Nova, #Ironheart, #MoonKnight, and more! #Marvel #DisneyPlus #MCU