Random French

Random French

Latest Episodes

15 - If You Won the Lottery, What Would You Buy?
July 02, 2021

Learn to speak French through listening practice! Listen in to know what I would buy if I won the lottery. Phrase by phrase translation included. For the full transcription, check out www.thefrenchcompass.com ! // Have a lovely Easter, Lisiane

48 - Can You Drive?
September 05, 2020

Bonjour, tout le monde! I am FINALLY back after a LONG leave! I hesitated for a very long time to post this episode all around driving because it was to be published around the same week the #blacklivesmatter movement started. Because this story is set in

Interlude - Silence Radio
June 24, 2020

Dear all, a couple of weeks ago I was on the verge of having a severe burnout so I pulled the emergency brake without giving any notice. Désolée!

47 - What's the Strangest Dream You've Ever Had?
May 21, 2020

Bonjour à tous, hope you're all well! This is a special story. Full transcription available on my website thefrenchcompass.com . As per your request, PDF downloads will be available soon. Stay safe, Lisiane

[Special Edition] Little Announcements
May 01, 2020

Bonjour tout le monde! I hope you're hanging in there during these crazy, crazy times. We're all looking forward for them to end and I hope that in the meantime you are finding smart ways to use this strange season for the best. Remember: This too shall p

46 - Is It Better to Be Kind or Honest?
April 10, 2020

Hello everyone, I hope this episode finds you well and in good health. This week's random question was submitted by a podcast listener. If you would like to submit a random question, feel free to do so through my contact form on my website thefrenchcompas

43 - So, What's Up?
February 06, 2020

Soooo! Long time no hear! I'm back at last and looking forward to publishing more podcast episodes! Find out in this episode what kept me away for so long! // Full transcription available over at thefrenchcompass.com. À bientôt! Lisiane

[FYI] New Episode Coming Soon! (See description)
January 23, 2020

Hey all! Oh.my.word. We f.i.n.a.l.l.y. got internet installed in our new home after almost a month (yes, we're still in Germany ). Anyway, new podcast episode will be up soon! Looking forward to coming back! Thanks for your patience - I owe you one!