The archived 640013 Show

The archived 640013 Show

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1/4/15 - Featuring Wally Amos
January 04, 2015

"Famous" Was His Middle Name.....Until It Wasn't: How Wally Amos Gained, Lost, and Regained His Business Mojo As Wally Amos grew up in Tallahassee, Florida, and then Manhattan, he had two loves: cooking and people. It was the former that got him throug

12/14/14 - Featuring Bob Crandall
December 14, 2014

Taking Flight By Taking Chances: How Bob Crandall Turned American Airlines, and the Airline Industry, on Its Ear If you haven't gathered by now, thanks to the bevy of retail sales and non-stop music in the air, we're firmly in the midst of the holiday se

12/7/14 - Featuring Bob Herbold (longtime Microsoft COO)
December 07, 2014

Start Me Up: Bob Herbold's Front Row Seat For the Ascension of Microsoft To the Top of the Computer Industry In 1995, Bill Gates knew that the idea of "personal computing", which, to that point, had been trickling into the marketplace, was ready to explo

11/30/14 - Featuring Bennett Stewart (EVA Dimensions)
November 30, 2014

How Well Did You Or Your Company Do This Year Financially? You Won't REALLY Know the Answer Until You Listen to Bennett Stewart It doesn't take more than a cursory look at the calendar (or out the window) to see that 2014 is coming to an end. For many

11/23/14 - Featuring Patrick Byrne (
November 23, 2014

Sith Lords......Zombie Apocalypses....Overseeing a Billion Dollar, Publicly Traded Company.....All In a Day's Work For Founder/CEO Patrick Byrne It's been said that a typical entrepreneur tends to live by his or her own rules. That typica

11/16/14 - Featuring C. Britt Beemer
November 16, 2014

Why Do We Buy What We Buy? (...And Why Does Britt Beemer Know What That Is Before WE Do?) If you're looking for a telltale indicator of how things have changed, look no further than how you shop. While, in some cases, the stores you frequent may be in