The archived 640013 Show

The archived 640013 Show

10/18/15 - "The Raja Show" Featuring Senator Pat Toomey (R - PA)

October 18, 2015

Given the Tumult With Our Present and Future Leadership in Our Nation's Capital, What Are Our Current Leaders Doing To Keep Individuals and Businesses Afloat in the U.S.? Raja Goes One-On-One With Senator Pat Toomey For An Explanation

Ask almost any political pundit, one with both feet planted on either side of the aisle (or in the middle), and he or she would be hard pressed to come up with a period of time that was more tumultuous in Washington than this one.

Sure, the crowded fields for both the Republican and Democratic Presidential nominees will whittle down to a manageable number in the coming months. And the dust will settle when the Republican Party nails down its replacement for outgoing House Speaker John Boehner,, in order to put the right man or woman in one of the most powerful political seats in the country.

But until these things happen, a population full of curious onlookers, most of whom vote these individuals into office in the first place, can't help but look on in confusion, and maybe a bit of frustration and anger, at the chaos that unfolds on their print, online, radio, and television channels 24/7.

Given what many have dubbed a "circus", how can the men and women we elect to represent us rise above the clamor to actually do their jobs on a daily basis?

On this edition of "The Raja Show", Raja tackles that issue, along with many others, as he goes one-on-one with Senator Pat Toomey (R - Pennsylvania). Senator Toomey shares his perspective from inside the beltway on a variety of issues, from his take on both the Democratic and Republican sides of the 2016 Presidential Election, the topics that these candidates SHOULD be discussing and debating, why "outsiders" like Donald Trump, Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina are resonating so strongly with the American public, and the message it sends to the current Washington D.C. inhabitants, including himself. Plus, he shares his OWN ideas on what it takes for the American economy to right the ship, and talks about the lessons he was able to learn given his own background in running businesses in the private sector, and how those lessons impact his policy-making strategy.