The archived 640013 Show

The archived 640013 Show

8/16/15 - Featuring Steve Forbes (Forbes Media)

August 16, 2015

On Sunday, We Feature One of America's Top Minds In Business, Economics and Policy (......and He's Talking With Steve Forbes)

All kidding aside, Raja and the staff of "The Raja Show" are very excited to welcome Steve Forbes onto the show this Sunday to discuss his life at the helm of one of, if not THE, most successful business magazine in America, Forbes Magazine., his thoughts on the current state of business and the economy in the U.S, as well as his impactful Presidential Campaigns in 1996 and 2000, and how all of these have shaped his enormous successes.

Despite being born into great wealth, by way of the family that bore the magazine's name, Steve definitely did NOT coast on the names of his grandfather (B.C. Forbes, the magazine's founder) and his father (longtime publisher Malcolm Forbes). Going as far back as his college days, Steve demonstrated his own entrepreneurial initiative when he, along with two of his classmates at Princeton University, founded Business Today, , geared towards bridging the gap between college students and business executives. 47 years later, the magazine remains the largest student-run magazine in the world.

While at the helm of Forbes, not only did he expand the print magazine's domain by launching internationally-specific versions of the magazine, as well as a high-end lifestyle version and a version geared towards women, but also jumped into the internet age with both feet, establishing as a leading online resource for business and economic news. Forbes also launched the wildly popular suite of "Real Clear" sites devoted to news and commentary (RealClearPolitics, RealClearSports, RealClearMarkets, RealClearWorld)

Although Forbes' business acumen is second to none, the great majority of Americans may recognize him from his Presidential Campaigns in 1996 and 2000, While he failed to seize the Republican nomination in those campaigns from Bob Dole and George W. Bush, respectively, he didn't go away quietly, winning primaries in Arizona and Delaware in 1996,and placing very well in other states as well. His "flat tax" economic platform remains one of his signature contributions to American economic discourse.