The archived 640013 Show

The archived 640013 Show

6/7/15 - Featuring a Discussion on Terrible Co-Workers

June 07, 2015

From Horrible Bosses to Terrible Employees and Unbearable Co-Workers.....What Do You Do When The Workers Aren't Working?

On last week's edition of "The Raja Show", Raja discussed the nature of leadership, including the idea of "servant leadership", and you chimed in with your (thankfully, anonymous) stories of your worst experiences with YOUR superiors. He also wrote about ways you can manage your boss on his blog.

(And if you missed any of that episode, you can get caught up right here!)

There's no doubt that having an incompetent or inefficient boss can hamper the success of a company. But what can a company do when the boss is fine, but the people under the boss are the ones who aren't performing up to snuff?

This Sunday, Raja turns the spotlight around to discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly of employee performance in a company. As a CEO himself, Raja will give some insight into ways that he and his leadership team strive to get the most out of the people working for his company, and offer some actionable advice as to how to get the most out of the people who work for yours. Plus, in the case of employees for whom there doesn't seem to be any hope of improvement, Raja will offer advice as to the best way to handle that unfortunate situation as well.

Plus, we check in with Audrey Russo, President of Fortyx80, a spinoff organization of the Pittsburgh Technology Council, who discusses an upcoming event dedicated to helping entrepreneurs find the funding that is available in the marketplace in order to take their companies to the next level.