The archived 640013 Show

The archived 640013 Show

3/15/15 - A Show of Inspiration

March 15, 2015

A Show of Inspiration: Saluting Our Heroes (....and Those Who Look Up To Us as Heroes)

No matter if it's financial advice, business advice, career advice or whatever information you pick up from listening to "The Raja Show", the ultimate goal is to help you achieve your personal success.

But If you ask Raja, or any other person you may deem to be "successful" in these regards, they'll tell you that TRUE success lies much deeper than having much personal wealth, starting and growing a thriving business, or getting that dream job. While those are nice goals to work towards, TRUE success often lies with the impact you make on others.

This was no more evident than at this past Wednesday's "Night of Inspiration" event, presented by CCChampions, an organization devoted to forging lasting long-term relationships between children who are battling cancer, and the pillars of the community, be they athletes, entertainers, police and firefighters (among others), who these children look to for inspiration.

(Although honestly, when you watch these kids interact with their heroes, it's often tough to determine who is inspiring who more!)

At the "Night of Inspiration", Raja himself presented an "Inspiration Award" to both the kids and their mentors. While these presentations were very special for the kids, and their families, as well as their inspirational mentors, and others in attendance that night, theirs are stories that Raja felt needed to be shared on a bigger stage, like a radio show. HIS radio show.

On this edition of "The Raja Show", we take an in-depth look at the stories of inspiration facilitated by the charitable efforts of CCChampions. Raja welcomes some of the children that were featured that evening, and we will hear from the local figures who these kids look up to for inspiration. Plus, we will hear from Sidney Kushner, the Founder and Executive Director of CCChampions, whose vision and inspiration, coupled with his drive and determination to put his idea to work, were the catalysts behind this wonderful organization.

If you tune into "The Raja Show" for Raja's expert commentary on the current state of business and the economy, and what it all means for you, you'll get plenty of that during his opening and closing monologues. But if you tune to be inspired by stories of people overcoming gargantuan challenges in order to succeed at any cost, this show is DEFINITELY one you cannot miss!