The archived 640013 Show

The archived 640013 Show

3/8/15 - "The Raja Show" - The Importance of Being Agile

March 08, 2015

Plan The Change and Change The Plan: The Importance of Being Agile

â??Life Is What Happens To You When Youâ??re Busy Making Other Plans.â??

This famous quote, immortalized in the classic John Lennon tune â??Beautiful Boyâ??, perfectly encapsulates the idea that things may not seem to go the way you lay them out, and also, perhaps, that you shouldnâ??t necessarily expect them to.

But there are two critical ideas that the quote does not address: (1) The importance of having a plan in the first place for whatever it is that you do, and (2) what happens to that plan when, as the quote implies, life does get in the way,

On this edition of The Raja Show, Raja discusses the importance of being agile with your plan, What should you do when unexpected events occur that impact your plan for the better or worse? What will you do when your plan, executed exactly as you lay it out, STILL underperforms your expectations? How will new information impact the direction of your plan?

Youâ??ve heard Raja discuss his Plan, which you can read all about on our website. But one of the most important aspects of that approach to ensuring business and personal success is that it is agile. It changes in step with the changes that you experience along the way, both internal and external.

Today, Raja discusses how you can manage the changes that impact your life, and how you can adapt your plan accordingly.

Also, we check in with Brian Baum, author of â??Profiles of Successâ??, who talks about this Wednesdayâ??s â??Night of Inspirationâ?? event, presented in conjunction with CCChampions.