The archived 640013 Show

The archived 640013 Show

2/1/15 - Featuring Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto

February 01, 2015

We've Talked About Running a Business, But How About Running A City? A Conversation With the Man Who Makes Pittsburgh Go

Picture in your mind the look and feel of a typical mayor of a major American city.

Bill Peduto is NOT that Mayor.

Perhaps it's because Peduto, who recently concluded his first full year as Pittsburgh's Mayor, is not afraid to roll up his sleeves and dig in to the issues that impact Pittsburgh's neighborhoods from the ground floor, even to the level of mediating whether or not a dog park should stay or go from one of Pittsburgh's burgeoning areas.

Perhaps it's because Peduto's involvement in the fabric of Pittsburgh involves more than just waving the occasional Terrible Towel or throwing out the first pitch at PNC Park. While he's no Sidney Crosby or Hulk Hogan, he's been known to lace up the skates for charity at celebrity hockey games, or get involved in local professional wrestling matches.

Perhaps it's because he has taken bold steps that few others mayors would dare to promote their cities on a national stage. His recent appearance on the hit CBS show "Undercover Boss", while not without its detractors, went a long way to boost the profile of Pittsburgh's many strengths to a national population that may still view the city as the smoky old steel town from decades ago.

No matter the reason, Peduto's first year on the job was met with widespread praise from City residents, and even his detractors granted the Mayor his genuine interest in making sure Pittsburgh continues its forward momentum, both externally, via continuing its ascent on the national consciousness, and internally, through the progressive, actionable steps he has taken to transform the City's neighborhoods into the 21st century.

Today, Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto checks in with The Raja Show, as he talks with Raja about his first year in office, where Pittsburgh stands today, where it's been, and where it's headed going forward. And they'll talk about Pittsburgh's oft-discussed "Ed's and Med's" reputation, and where things are headed with both the "ed's" (Pittsburgh's myriad educational opportunities at the collegiate and K-12 levels) and the "med's" (Pittsburgh's world renowned medical facilities, and the headlines that have been made over the past few months, good and bad).