The archived 640013 Show

The archived 640013 Show

9/14/14 - Featuring David Meadows & Valerie Voss

September 14, 2014

First It Was Your Kids....Now, Your Business is Going "Back to School"

On this edition of "Your American Story" Radio, we feature a pair of guests who will help you get your business off the ground, and more importantly, will help you KEEP it off the ground.

First, Raja talks with Valerie Voss, tax manager with Wilke and Associates CPA, who offers some expert advice on how to get your business in optimal shape as Fall approaches. She'll discuss some of the key to-do's when it comes to assessing your business structure, reviewing your retirement planning strategy, calculating your basis, and examining the new tax credits that are in place for 2014.

-Next, Raja goes one-on-one with one of the leading advocates for entrepreneurship in the United States, David Meadows, the President of the United States Center For Entrepreneurship (USCFE).

Meadows is a serial entrepreneur whose startup resume features some incredible successes (including, one of the first online print/copy services) and some interesting failures. As President of the USCFE, he oversees an online network of some of the foremost entrepreneurial leaders in the country, who provide education, support and guidance to entrepreneurs of all levels of skill and experience, from "wannabe" entrepreneurs to seasoned professionals. He has established the USCFE as THE premier place to go online for any business owner to get the resources necessary to start and grow a business.