The archived 640013 Show

The archived 640013 Show

8/31/14 - Featuring Peter Francese & Jake Haulk

August 31, 2014

How do you evaluate the performance of a city?

For some people, they listen to what the city's leaders are saying, from their campaign promises through to their inaugural address, all the way to their parting words on the last day in office. (After all, they're the ones in charge, right?)

For some people, they talk with neighbors, friends, and residents of a city, about how they feel their needs are being met on a daily basis. Are their roads cleared in the winter? Are the schools living up to their standard? (After all, they're the ones that chose to live, stay and work there, so they have the most at stake, right?)

And yes, there are even those who beileve the performance of a city is measured in Lombardi Trophies, Stanley Cups and World Series rings. (The less said about this school of thought, the better.)

For Jake Haulk and his team at the Allegheny Institute for Public Policy, performance, in the case of Pittsburgh and the Western Pennsylvania region, lies in the data. They pour through the metrics that define the citizens of the region and shape our daily lives. They assess this data, both in comparison to its past performance and in comparison to other similar-sized cities, to provide concrete, no-frills analysis of just how well the region is doing, from education to transportation to optimizing its budget, and everything in between.

But what do their findings tell us about us?

On Sunday, Jake checks in with Your American Story Radio, as he talks with Raja about the mission of the Allegheny Institute, their latest projects and areas of research, the trends they're noticing about the data, and what individuals and businesses should do to take advantage of this data. You won't want to miss this discussion!

-And speaking of guests telling us about ourselves.....

Our sincere apologies to those who tuned in last week to hear Peter Francese discuss his groundbreaking work in the area of American demographics, as he was unable to join us due to a late-breaking schedule conflict.

Fortunately, he IS locked down for this Sunday, so be sure to listen as Peter talks with Raja about his findings, as well as some of the trends he's noticing when it comes to millenials, baby boomers, and retirees.

(And if you're an entrepreneur, you may want to pay close attention. There's plenty of good stuff for you to start your next business!)