The archived 640013 Show

The archived 640013 Show

7/27/14 - Featuring Rick Cancelliere & Urmi Ashar

July 27, 2014

Regular listeners to Your American Story Radio are no doubt familiar with our groundbreaking "Running With the Bulls" feature presentation, the second iteration of which just wrapped up a successful six-week run.

With six of the leading life science entrepreneurs in Western Pennsylvania pitching their companies to three of the region's premier venture capital professionals, it was radio like no other, and a showcase for what the region's life sciences sector has to offer to the global economy.

While all six of our entrepreneur/contestants were excellent in their own right, when all was said and done, two of them were a step above. Entrepreneurs Rick Cancelliere of Treatspace and Dr. Urmi Ashar of Advanced Technology Healthcare Solutions (ATHS) received investment dollars as a result of their performance in the competition, as Treatspace received a $50,000 investment capital pledge on-air from one of our judges, Jim Jordan of the Pittsburgh Life Sciences Greenhouse, and ATHS received the most votes from our audience participation contest, netting a $2,500 cash prize in the process.

Both Rick and Urmi make their return to the Your American Story studios in this episode, as Raja goes one-on-one with each entrepreneur to find out what makes them tick, what the end game is for each of their companies, and what they do on a daily basis to survive, and thrive, in such a competitive sector.

Plus, Raja discusses his recent trip to Botswana, and the lessons he learned during his time overseas.