The archived 640013 Show

The archived 640013 Show

7/13/14 - "Running With The Bulls" Week 6 (FINAL)

July 13, 2014

Today, we wrap up six weeks of our groundbreaking "Running With the Bulls" feature, as Raja reveals which of our entrepreneurs will receive investment capital from our three judges, James Jordan of the Pittsburgh Life Sciences Greenhouse, Ned Renzi of Birchmere Ventures, and Mike Stubler of Draper Triangle Ventures. We talk with each investment professional about his decision of whether to invest or not to invest, (and how much), and why. Plus, we reveal the winner of the audience participation prize, as Raja talks with the winner of the $2,500 cash prize. And we take a minute to chat with the entrepreneurs who will be receiving these funds, as THEY discuss how they will allocate these resources within their companies.