The archived 640013 Show

The archived 640013 Show

6/29/14 - "Running With The Bulls" Week 4

June 29, 2014

Two More Presenters to Go!!!!

Youâ??ve heard from four of our entrepreneur contestants. This week, itâ??s time to hear from the last two!

Last week, as part of our groundbreaking â??Running With the Bullsâ?? feature on Your American Story Radio, listeners heard the pitches from two local entrepreneurs who are making a serious impact in the life sciences space, Urmi Ashar of ATHS, and Rick Cancelliere of Treatspace. These two companies, proud members of the Pittsburgh Life Sciences Greenhouse portfolio, are doing some remarkable things in the region, and were on hand to give us the lowdown on their companies.

In addition to pitching their companies, they withstood the direct lines of questioning from our judges, James Jordan from the PLSG Accelerator Fund, Ned Renzi of Birchmere Ventures, and Mike Stubler of Draper Triangle Ventures.

-This week, we wrap up our presentations with our final two entrepreneurs, who are primed and ready to pitch their companies. This week, we feature the following entrepreneurs:

Mike Cham (BlenderHouse)

BlenderHouse is a data analytics and decision support company that aims at realizing the potential of data to improve healthcare, from basic research to routine patient care. BlenderHouse provides data driven solutions for research, decision making and process improvement. BlenderHouse was founded in early 2008 with the goal of empowering enterprises to take advantages of all the newly available data to improve decision making through data management and machine learning. Recent advances in computational and academic breakthroughs related to Machine Learning have made it a viable and valuable tool.

Our newest clinical decision support tool, CHRiSS: Cardiac Health Risk Stratification System, assists both physicians and their patients in navigating the complicated, multifaceted treatment trajectory surrounding patients who are too ill to wait for a heart donor, or who are not eligible for a heart transplant because of age or other medical problems and are considering a ventricular assist device (VAD) implant.

Ginny Pribanic (MedRespond)

MedRespond is an online healthcare communications company that combines artificial intelligence, search and streaming media so that health care enterprises can provide interactive, personalized, relevant and inexpensive communication solutions for their customers, patients, and clients, and health care training solutions for their personnel.

-Both Ginny and Mike will be on point, as they present the perfect pitches to the judges, and the judges fire back with some penetrating questions about the companies that will keep the entrepreneurs on their toes. Hear the action for yourself on Your American Story Radio.