The archived 640013 Show

The archived 640013 Show

3/2/14 - "Your American Story" Featuring Keith Rothfus & Brian Baum

March 02, 2014

This week, Raja talks with one of Western Pennsylvania's foremost political leaders, Congressman Keith Rothfus, as we examine Keith's life story, including his rise to prominence in the private sector of Western Pennsylvania, his service to his community, and his 2012 election to the U.S. House of Representatives. And Keith discusses some of the most important items on his Congressional plate since taking office in January 2013, including his work to improve consumer protection practices, ease the regulations on American jobs and wages, and promote accountability and transparency in our federal government.

-By now, regular listeners to "Your American Story" are keenly aware of the mission that Raja has laid out for the show since its inception just over one year ago: to profile our leaders in politics, business, and economics in order to find out what drives them to be successful, and to share what THEY have learned over the years with you, our listening audience. From time to time, we like to feature others who are following that same mission with their endeavors, such as Brian Baum. The Pittsburgh-based financial analyst will join Raja today to discuss not only his take on what's happening in the market, but also to discuss Profiles of Success, his new book in which he profiles over 40 business leaders, in order to determine what makes these leaders tick, and what their stories can mean for you in your journey to business and personal success.