The archived 640013 Show

The archived 640013 Show

1/26/14 - "Your American Story" Featuring Regis McKenna

January 26, 2014

On today's edition of Your American Story Radio, we push the rewind button to revisit one of our most popular interviews from last year.

-Apple. Microsoft. Electronic Arts. AOL. Compaq.

All tech titans that shaped the computing landscape over the past few decades.

All pillars of modern-day Silicon Valley as we know it.

All companies that got their start as innocent startups by aspiring entrepreneurs.

None would have made it without the help of Regis McKenna.

The Pittsburgh native played a critical role in the launch of these and other iconic tech companies over the past 50 years, with the guidance and expertise necessary to bring their products to market. His work has garnered him worldwide acclaim as one of the foremost gurus of marketing, for both tech and non-tech companies, large and small.

This Sunday, you'll hear Raja and Regis reminisce over the early days of the tech giants that define our world today, and Regis discusses how marketing for these and other tech firms has evolved over so many years. Plus, Regis gives us his insights when it comes to what companies need to do today in order to rise above the noise in a crowded, hungry marketplace.