The archived 640013 Show

The archived 640013 Show

1/12/14 - Featuring Jim Brewster & George Zacherl

January 12, 2014

On this Sunday's show, we examine the role that our elected leadership plays in overseeing the effectiveness of our transportation system, as well as the importance of networking, referrals, and relationship building to success in business and personal growth.

-The current flap in New Jersey regarding the recent lane restrictions on the George Washington Bridge that temporarily brought Fort Lee, New Jersey to a halt, and the ensuing "Who Knew What And When?" questions that could potentially derail Governor Chris Christie's Presidential bid have cast a negative light on the role that government plays in facilitating effective traffic operation in a region. Suffice to say that the situation in New Jersey is most certainly an outlier for the REAL means by which government can oversee traffic utilization in an area, and on Sunday, Pennsylvania State Senator Jim Brewster, one of the region's premier advocates for effective transportation management, joins Raja to discuss what needs to be done in the State of Pennsylvania to ensure that motorists can get around efficiently, with as little hassle and frustration as possible.

-"Giver's Gain"

Those two words, the underlying premise of philanthropy and charity in a nutshell, are also the foundation of one of the foremost business networking organizations in the country, BNI (Business Networking International). Founded in 1985 by Dr. Ivan Misner, BNI is an organization devoted to promoting the importance of referral-based business growth, and bringing businesses together via netowrking, in order to create a greater good in the national economy (last year, over $3 billion was generated in business throughout the U.S. thanks to BNI Networking) and the regional economies of the local chapters. On Sunday, Raja talks with George Zachrel, the Executive Director of the Western Pennsylvania chapter of BNI, about the importance of networking and referrals to building a successful, sustainable business, and some tips for you to start to build your rolodex right now to generate the most results for your business.