The archived 640013 Show

The archived 640013 Show

12/1/13 - "Your American Story" Featuring Rocky Bleier & Mike Kauffelt

December 01, 2013

As we enjoy Thanksgiving weekend full of family, football, and food, two more â??fâ??sâ?? should be in the back of your mind once the meal has settled, the games are over, and the relatives have headed back home.

â??Futureâ?? and â??Financesâ??

Specifically, what are YOU doing to ensure that your financial future will be a smooth one once the retirement years arrive? And what are you doing right now to ensure that your finances arenâ??t putting you in a bind this very instant?

On Sundayâ??s edition of Your American Story Radio, Raja takes a look at the current state of the economy, both as it relates to the present and future financial health of the United States, relative to the global economy, as well as the current state of your portfolio, and what you need to do to get your money on track and to stay there.

Itâ??s a weighty discussion, and to help carry the load, Raja calls on two of the foremost financial investment professionals in the region, Mike Kauffelt of Bill Few Associates and Rocky Bleier of Bleier Zagula Financial, who can break down the craziness of Wall Street, and put the discussion in proper perspective for what the headlines REALLY mean at the end of the day. Theyâ??ll discuss some of the hottest investment trends for professional and personal portfolios alike, and what vehicles will have the staying power to help you for the long haul.

(��and, even though the topic will be finance, a certain four-time Super Bowl winning running back MAY chime in on whether or not his former team will have the staying power to make the playoffs this year.)