The archived 640013 Show

The archived 640013 Show

9/29/13 - Your American Story ("Running With The Bulls" - Week 4)

September 29, 2013

On the third week of entrepreneur presentations as part of the "Running With the Bulls" feature on Your American Story Radio, Raja, along with his panel of judges, welcome the final two entrepreneurs onto the show, as Albert Ciuksza of Portabeer and James Lomuscio of Hability prepare to make their best pitch, and take all of the probing questions our judges will throw at them.

And, just like the prior two weeks, the action is in YOUR hands. Go to and vote for who YOU think has the better pitch. You have until next Sunday at 1 PM to do so, and if you need help, you can see their business plans, hear their pitches, and even WATCH the action on our YouTube Channel:

(And don't have just a few more minutes to go to and vote for LAST week's contestants, Colin Huwyler of Optimus Technologies and Paul Sandberg of PHRQL. Voting closes @ 1 PM today.

Join us at 1 PM today on the radio at FM News Talk 104.7, via interactive chat at, and online at