Raising Your Paws- Your resource for dog & cat pet parents

Raising Your Paws- Your resource for dog & cat pet parents

062 Understand Your Dog’s Facial Expressions and the Story of Indy, a Blind, Sled Racing Dog.

March 09, 2020

I start this episode clarifying a part of the conversation I had with animal trainer, Ken Ramirez in the last episode, about rewarding your dog every time they come when you call them. This is in response to some questions listeners had about positive reinforcement training and if this means one always has to give treats to get a dog to do anything.

If you have any questions you’d like answered on the podcast about your pets, please feel free to ask.  Post your question in the comment section of any blog article or write me at susan@raisingyourpaws.com.

I talked about dog’s mouths in the last episode and how at times when they pull their commissure which are the corners of the mouth, back, it looks to us like a smile. In this episode, I’ll describe some of the other positions your dog’s mouth takes that reveal when they are feeling nervous, defensive or fearful. Once you know what to look for, it’ll be easier for you to understand your dog’s emotions and anticipate its actions.

Then, did you see or read about the blind sled racing dog named Indy on the internet? Frank Moe, a dog sled musher in Minnesota, is the owner of Indy, and is on the show today, telling the story of how Indy lost his sight, what is was like for him to have a blind dog and how Indy was able to get back to racing.

Finally, have you wondered why your cat greets you by sometimes walking towards you with its tail held straight up towards the sky? This is a signal that all domesticated cats use with each other.  In wildcats, it is only the kittens that show this posture. Find out how adult cats started using this and what it means when your cat raises its tail for you.

Send Us Your Smiling Dog Photos!

Do you have a dog who looks to you like they smile?  Send me one or two photos of your smiling dog - I’ll select a number of the most engaging photos of dogs with smiling faces on, and post them on a future blog article along with your dog’s name. If your dog’s photo is selected, I’ll send you a coupon for a free large bag of NutriSource Pet food.

Send your photo to susan@raisingyourpaws.com. You’ve got until the end of March 2020 to get the photo to me. I’m looking forward to seeing your doggies.

Additional Resources for the Show.

Conversation with Animal Trainer, Ken Ramirez:

Part 2 – Episode 61.  When I asked and got the answer for why he advised me always “pay” or reward Rosy every time when she comes after I call her when she’s far away from me.

Resource for the story about facial expressions revealing dog’s emotions - -”For the Love of a Dog” by Patricia B. McConnell, Ph.D.

Dog sled musher, Frank Moe’s Social Media.

Resource for the story about cat’s upright tails – Cat Sense, How the New Feline Science Can Make You a Better Friend to Your Pet by John Bradshaw.

Find the live links to all the above resources on the full show notes at: www.raisingyourpaws.com