Raising Christian Kids

Raising Christian Kids

Four Ways Your Child Can Experience God

February 17, 2021

It is important to remember that every child has a specific approach to spirituality.

It is our job as parents to know which style works best for our children to guide them in the right direction in their relationship with God.
The four styles are:

* Word-centered
* Emotion-centered
* Symbol-centered
* Action-centered

The first style, a word-centered approach, is a thoughtful and cognitive approach to spiritual growth based on the significance of words by using reason and logic. Children that use this approach like to examine ideas about life, religion, and faith. They like to go to school and enjoy learning about God at Sunday School and Church. They also enjoy reading their Bible by themselves and value propositional and cognitive knowledge about God.
The second style, an emotion-centered approach, describes children that love creativity, expression, and emotion. Music is central to the spiritual growth of these children. The children with emotion-centered spirituality feel that corporate worship is a vital characteristic of their congregations and their experiences with God.
The third style, a symbol-centered approach, is when children value quiet and silence as a part of their spiritual experience. These children love plenty of room to experience God and think of prayer as a vital practice in a private way. They love the divine and mysterious ways of God.
The fourth and last style is an action-centered approach. This approach explains children that experience God in action and deeds. They care less about organizational and corporate gatherings. These children experience God through actions of justice and serving others.
Online Article Referenced:

* “Four Ways of Knowing God: Exploring Children’s Spiritual Styles,” by David M. Csinos

Get a cup of coffee, take about ten minutes to recharge your batteries, and equip your mind so you can raise warriors for Christ that will stand firm in the face of evil! Occasionally, we will be giving away free books – so stay tuned! My team and I are here to serve you all for the glory of our Lord!
