Raising Christian Kids

Raising Christian Kids

The Difference in Using Faith Lessons and Moral Lessons

October 07, 2020

Biblical faith formation is essential in raising Christian kids!

This is acquired through various experiences that nurture a solid transformation by which faith in God is accomplished and cherished. Both faith lessons and moral lessons are important to help solidify a cohesive, effective foundation for faith formation and moral attitudes and behaviors.
Raising your children to love reading is one of the best gifts you can give your child. You want them to read their Bible often to learn both faith and moral lessons! The difference between a faith lesson and a moral lesson is that a faith lesson reflects on Jesus within the story, and a moral lesson teaches about how Jesus acted.
Encourage, guide, pray, and equip your children to be successful in using their talents and gifts. The sooner you recognize their talents, in addition to their desires, the more time you will have to help them sharpen their skills to be used to glorify God.
Do not crush a dream because you think it is silly or that it will not be beneficial. In time, God will reveal his plan and purpose.
Books Referenced:

* Helping Our Children Grow in Faith: How the Church Can Nurture the Spiritual Development of Kids, by Dr. Robert J. Keeley
* Between Heaven & Hollywood: Chasing Your God-Given Dream, by David A.R. White

Bible Verses Referenced:

* Hebrews 4:12

Get a cup of coffee, take about ten minutes to recharge your batteries, and equip your mind so you can raise warriors for Christ that will stand firm in the face of evil! Occasionally, we will be giving away free books – so stay tuned! My team and I are here to serve you all for the glory of our Lord!