Raising Christian Kids

Raising Christian Kids

3 Unique Books and Dolls from Elly and Grace Collection

June 26, 2024
“I was seeing the books that were at the library, and it just became very obvious to me that the world is not shy about putting out their agenda to our children. So, we should also, as Christians, not be shy about giving our worldview to children. I wanted to come up with something that would help kids and parents have conversations about Jesus.” – Brenna Milleville.

Brenna Milleville is a wife of 10 years and mother to her 4-year-old, Grace. After attending a Christian conference in 2016, she was called to start a Christian apparel company and ellyandgrace was started. Seven years later, Brenna and her team have printed and shipped over 500,000 pieces of apparel around the world from their Missouri-based office and over 30,000 Christian embroidery kits that help women relax. They recently launched the So Loved Book and Doll Collection, created to help teach children important biblical concepts in a relatable way.

During this episode, Brenna shares the heartwarming story behind her creation, from her inspiration at a Christian conference to the launch of her beautifully crafted books and dolls. The collection focuses on teaching important biblical concepts in a relatable way and offers parents and children a unique avenue to explore faith together. Through this engaging conversation, struggling parents are assured that they are not alone in their endeavor to guide their little ones toward a deeper understanding of Christ’s teachings.

Brenna details the collection’s three books and dolls, each thoughtfully crafted to explore essential biblical concepts like the Fruit of the Spirit, forgiveness, and more. The inclusivity of characters and themes ensures that children from various backgrounds can find relatable representations, fostering a sense of belonging and understanding.

She also imparts valuable advice for aspiring business owners, emphasizing the significance of passion and originality in any venture. Her testimony inspires individuals contemplating their own entrepreneurial journey and instills a sense of purpose and resilience in facing the challenges that accompany business ownership.

Brenna’s Instagram, Facebook, & TikTok.

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