Raider Nation Podcast - Las Vegas Raiders News and Opinion with Larry "DaPrez" Rogers

Raider Nation Podcast - Las Vegas Raiders News and Opinion with Larry "DaPrez" Rogers

12/07/19 - Show #541: "Chiefs Postgame - Titans Pregame"

December 07, 2019

TOPICS: Segment #1: Chiefs Postgame Raider Greg reviews the Raiders play during their current two game losing streak against the Jets and Chiefs. He discusses the modern NFL quarterback, including running QBs and pocket QBs. Segment #2: Titans Pregame We look forward to the Titans game in Oakland this Sunday, the next to last Raiders game ever in Oakland. Segment #3: Raider Nation “Boneline” Call-in Segment Callers: 01. Foodstamp Raider 02. Raider Steve in Vegas 03. Jersey Boy Raider 04. Ruben from North Carolina 05. Raider Rick in Utah 06. The Prez 07. Raider Dan in KC 08. Raider Chris in Scranton 09. Just Win Johnny 10. Raider Al from Georgia 11. The Raider Disciple from Orange County - Join our forum at: - Subscribe free in iTunes - Visit our YouTube page at: Music credit: Back in Black by ACDC; Bad to the Bone by George Thorogood, The Raiders by Sam Spence. Available in the iTunes store. Running time: 1:16:53