Raider Nation Podcast - Las Vegas Raiders News and Opinion with Larry "DaPrez" Rogers

Raider Nation Podcast - Las Vegas Raiders News and Opinion with Larry "DaPrez" Rogers

06/14/14 - Show #408: "Optimism Building For Oakland Raiders 2014 Season"

June 14, 2014


Segment #1: "Will they be planting Flowers in Oakland? Brandon Flowers is available"

Pro Bowl CB Brandon Flowers was released by the Chiefs. He was due to make $5.25 Million in 2014. The Chiefs are reportedly looking to get younger and bigger at cornerback. Should the Raiders look at signing this 28 year old veteran? We hear an interview that Jason Tarver did on 95.7 "The Game", the Raiders flagship station, giving his feelings on the Raiders' 2014 defense.

Segment #2: “Stroke me, stroke me"

Raider Greg is tired of some of the articles he's been reading this off-season and shares his observations with you.

Segment #3: “Raider Nation: Why Can't We Be Friends?"

Differences of opinion across Raider Nation causes too much bickering online and Raider Greg thinks we should remember that we are all a part of the Raiders family.

Segment #4: “The Boneline†Voicemail Segment

You can call in to the Boneline and get on the podcast yourself. Toll-Free 1-800-620-7181. Try to keep your call around 2-3 minutes long. If we get a lot of calls we may not be able to air all of them, so make them good. Preference may be given to first time callers. Sorry if your call is not aired. Please call back to get on another show.

This week’s callers:

01. Kansas Raider

02. Autumn Wind Williams

03. Raider Jesse James

04. Moneyman has spoken Raider

05. Raider Chad from Oakland

06. Raider Jakes from Conrad, Montana

07. Flow Raider from Miami

08. Mikey Rayder

09. RJ “Raider Chunky†from Whittier, California

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Music credit: The Raiders by Sam Spence; Back in Black by AC-DC; The Stroke by Billy Squier; Why Can't We Be Friends? by War; Bad to the Bone by George Thorogood.

Available in the iTunes store.

Running time - 59:58