Raider Nation Podcast - Las Vegas Raiders News and Opinion with Larry "DaPrez" Rogers

Raider Nation Podcast - Las Vegas Raiders News and Opinion with Larry "DaPrez" Rogers

04/23/13 - Show #372: "Raider Greg's 2013 Pre-Draft Special"

April 23, 2013


Segment #1: "News Updates"

A quick mention of Rolando McClain being arrested, AGAIN. This time as a Baltimore Raven, but maybe not for long!

Segment #2: "Raiders begin Voluntary Player Workouts"

The Raiders began "phase one" of the offseason player schedule. Voluntary workouts at the Raiders Alameda facility, and team meetings in the classrooms. We hear the media sessions with Stefan Wisniewski and Jacoby Ford, then Raider Greg gives his input on the new Raiders.

Segment #3: "No Pass on Lazy Ass"

Free passes are over in Oakland as Reggie McKenzie works on changing the culture of the Oakland Raiders. Sports Illustrated did a feature on this in their latest magazine issue, the RaiderTake blog talked about it, and Raider Greg shares the story.

Segment #4: "The 2013 NFL Draft begins in Two Days!"

Most of Raider Nation expects, and hopes, that Reggie McKenzie will trade down out of the 3rd overall pick in order to pick up an extra pick or picks. We will soon find out who Reggie picks, to begin his rebuilding of the Oakland Raiders through the draft.

Segment #5: "Our Toll-Free Boneline Voicemail Segment"

This week's callers:

01. Raider Chris from OakTown

02. Loudog from Sunny Riverside California

03. Nebraska Raider

04. Giovanni from Murietta, California

05. Big Chris from Oakland, California

You can call in to the Boneline and get on the podcast yourself. Toll-Free 1-800-620-7181. Try to keep your call around 2-3 minutes long. If we get a lot of calls we may not be able to air all of them, so make them good. Preference may be given to first time callers. Sorry if your call is not aired. Please call back to get on another show.

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Music credit: Back in Black by AC-DC, The Raiders by Sam Spence

Available in the iTunes store.

Running time - 47:53