Ray’s Rants Life in the 1950s 1960s 1970s Great Britain girls England family UK work school British

Ray’s Rants Life in the 1950s 1960s 1970s Great Britain girls England family UK work school British

Latest Episodes

Midweek Message 142.
January 03, 2024

Hello and happy new year! Let's hope it's a good one! I'm still losing weight, albeit slowly. The weather awful. But I'm looking forward to a great year.

Happy New Year 2024!
December 31, 2023

2024! Happy New Year! What will this year bring? Happiness and health is what we all need. OK, and a little cash would come in useful. I hope you're all looking after yourselves and keeping well.

Midweek Message 141.
December 27, 2023

Did you have a good Christmas? We now have the New Year to look forward to and... lighter evenings and the spring! Summer is on the way! Well, not quite yet. Happy days!

Happy Christmas 2023
December 24, 2023

Happy Christmas to you all! I hope you have a good one! Join me for this Christmas Eve chat.

Midweek Message 140.
December 20, 2023

Only 5 sleeps until Christmas day! I hope you're well and looking forward to the festivities. I also hope the weather improves here in Briton. Rain, wind, rain, wind... Struth!

Neighbourhood Watch!
December 17, 2023

Neighbourhood Watch! An elderly lady keeping watch on the street discovers something terrible! Haha! Join me this Sunday for a good old moan and a chat.

Midweek Message 139.
December 13, 2023

Hello and welcome to another Midweek Message. Dreadful weather here in the UK. Rain, wind, thunder and lightning... Struth! I hope you're keeping well and looking forward to Christmas. Only 12 sleeps,

Memories From Long Ago.
December 10, 2023

What's your earliest memory? In this episode, I talk about some of your emails and your very early memories. Also, traffic jams, the weather, identical twins and loasd more stuff.

Midweek Message 138.
December 06, 2023

It's 0 degrees Centigrade! Cripes, that's cold! This coming Sunday, I'll be talking about my earliest memories. Would you believe that I can remember my second birthday? Let me know what your earliest

Weather Madness! Winter! Weather Madness! Snow, Ice, Wind, Cold, Freeze, Blizzards...
December 03, 2023

Winter! Weather Madness! Snow, Ice, Wind, Cold, Freeze, Blizzards... The winter is almost upon us and already the media are going mental. Arctic conditions to blast the UK. Winter snow bomb covering B