Ray’s Rants Life in the 1950s 1960s 1970s Great Britain girls England family UK work school British

Ray’s Rants Life in the 1950s 1960s 1970s Great Britain girls England family UK work school British

Latest Episodes

Home Entertainment over the decades
November 10, 2019

From wireless to gramophones to transistor radios to reel to reel tape recorders to cassettes to record players to CDs… How home and in-car entertainment has changed over the decades.

Guy Fawkes night in the 1950s and 60s.
November 03, 2019

Firework or bonfire night back in those heady days was very different. Kids built huge fires on waste land, they bought penny bangers from the local sweet shop… There was no health and safety. In fact, it was pretty dangerous at times!

School’s Out.
October 27, 2019

What did kids do after school in the 1950s and 60s? There was nothing on television, no computers, mobile phones, social media… In this episode, I’ll tell you what we did after school. And it was far from boring!

Wild Parties in the 1960s.
October 20, 2019

Everyone had parties at their house, or their parents’ house, back in the 1960s. There was always a party going on somewhere at the weekends, and they were often wild! The music was loud, the alcohol flowed, inviting odours filled the air, girls danced…

A trip to Bletchley Park.
October 13, 2019

The Enigma machine, the Colossus computer, the code breakers… I take a trip around Bletchley Park, one of the most secret of secret places during the 1940s and 50s.

School in the 1950s and 60s.
October 06, 2019

School in the 1950s and 60s was very different. Kids received the cane, six of the best, if they were deemed to be bad. School dinners were disgusting. Conditions were comparatively harsh. My school was like a prison camp run by evil teachers. Join me to.

Driving, then and now.
September 29, 2019

Back in the old days, there were far fewer cars on the roads. No traffic jams, no potholes, no one-way streets... How do we cope these days with millions of cars on the roads?

A evening in an early 1970s nightclub.
September 22, 2019

I’ll take you to an English night club where we’ll check out the drinks, the fashion and – most importantly – the girls! There’s one very lovely blonde girl who… Er… There were many small nightclubs in towns across the UK in the 1970s. Sadly, they’ve dis.

An evening in a 1960s British pub.
September 15, 2019

Come and spend an evening with me in a 1960s English pub. We walk through the door when the pub opens. We meet the barmaids, the locals and regulars drift in, the juke box plays… In this episode, I spend an evening chatting, drinking beer and people watc.

The beginning of CB radio in the UK.
September 08, 2019

I had what was probably one of the first CB rigs in the country. It was the early 70s and I had an American AM rig. This was when no one else was on 27mHz. The band was quiet, until one evening when a voice emanated from the speaker…