Ray’s Rants Life in the 1950s 1960s 1970s Great Britain girls England family UK work school British

Ray’s Rants Life in the 1950s 1960s 1970s Great Britain girls England family UK work school British

Latest Episodes

1950s House Wives.
August 16, 2020

What was it like for married women back in the 1950s? Were they chained to the kitchen sink? Cooking, cleaning, washing, ironing, bringing up kids… Were they happy? I’ve spoken to several women from that ere and my findings are very interesting.

Your First Radio
August 09, 2020

Imagine you’re back in the 1930s. You have no television, no radio, no telephone. Your only entertainment was the cinema. Your only source of news was Pathe News or a newspaper. Then, your first radio is delivered by the man from the local wireless shop..

Politically Correct?
August 02, 2020

You have to be careful of what you say these days. Everything is so politically correct that it’s become a maze of confusion. Can I say this? Can I say that? I take a look back at how things changed over the years including wolf whistling, curved cucumbe.

Hospitals Doctors and Dentists.
July 26, 2020

What were hospitals like in the 50s and 60s? How have things changed at the doctor’s surgery or in the dentist chair? I have first hand experience of a men’s surgical ward in the early 1960s. Join me as I recall my visits to the dentist and the doctor.

July 19, 2020

We all have to eat to survive, but some of us are fussy eaters. Apparently, I’m a fussy eater. I don’t like blood dripping from meat. I don’t like veins, liver, hearts, brains, tongues… But I’m not a fussy eater. It’s just that I don’t like filth!

Getting Old.
July 12, 2020

Growing old gracefully… or disgracefully? Old age seems to creep up and catch you unawares. It’s only when we discover that we can no longer do something that we’ve always taken for granted, that we realize that old age is approaching. Join me for a look.

Tunnels Under The Ground.
July 04, 2020

Tunnels, bunkers, chambers, secret rooms… There are hundreds of man-made tunnels beneath the ground. Some are nuclear bunkers, some were secret wartime command posts, radar sites and communication hubs. Join me for a chat about the mysteries of the secre.

Meeting Girls.
June 28, 2020

Meeting girls back in the 1960s and 70s wasn’t as you might imagine. There were pubs and clubs but they weren’t necessarily the best places to meet the opposite sex. Join me as I look back at some of the girls I met… and where I met them.

Where have all the insects gone?
June 21, 2020

Where have all the insects gone? And the hedgehogs and the frogs and the field mice and the... Over the last 50 years, there's been a disastrous decline in, not only in insects, but hedgehogs and other animals.

The Games People Played
June 14, 2020

Board games, garden games, street games such as hopscotch and roller skating… Were games in the 1950s very different to games kids play these days? Join me in a look back at the games kids played.