Ray’s Rants Life in the 1950s 1960s 1970s Great Britain girls England family UK work school British

Ray’s Rants Life in the 1950s 1960s 1970s Great Britain girls England family UK work school British

Latest Episodes

High Voltage Happenings!
November 06, 2022

A rather shorter episode this time due to my ongoing mouth pain. However, all is not lost. In this episode, I tell you a story about high voltage pylons and ghosts! I hope to be back on form for next

Midweek Message 80.
November 02, 2022

Another sunny day after torrential rain, thunder, lightning, wind... Make hay while the sun shines, as they used to say. I hope you're keeping well.

White Lines All Over The Roads!
October 30, 2022

White Lines All Over The Roads! Too many road signs, too many white lines all over the roads... Driving these days is a nightmare! In this episode, I moan about the traffic, the roads, the drivers...

Midweek Message 79.
October 26, 2022

Supermarket car parks are a nightmare! White lines all over the place... where I am supposed to park? After yesterday's disastrous trip, I'm not going there again!

Pregnancy Out Of Wedlock 1960s
October 23, 2022

Despite the sexual revolution and free love in the 1960s, pregnancy out of wedlock was frowned upon. An unmarried teenage girl becoming pregnant... Stone the crows, there was real stigma! Join me for

Midweek Message 78.
October 19, 2022

Hi, it's Wednesday again! Solicitors, the stigma surrounding pregnant girls in the 1960s... This Sunday's episode will be interesting. Please, join me!

Store Detective - Private Detective cars pubs and more
October 16, 2022

In this episode, I chat about a store detective I once knew. Also, how a friend was followed by a private detective. And much more, of course...

Midweek Message 77.
October 12, 2022

Hi, welcome to yet another Midweek Message. Who remembers the winter of discontent? That was a dreadful time. Are we heading for another winter of discontent? Also, I once know a store detective... I'

Should You Try To Change Someone To Suit Your Needs?
October 09, 2022

Should you try to change someone to suit your needs? In this episode, I'll tell you about a friend who changed completely to please his girlfriend. Also, a quick story about a brother, a sister, a gir

Midweek Message 76.
October 05, 2022

Hello and welcome to another Midweek Message. A trip to Bournemouth, two trips to the dentist... it's been a busy week! Time to relax and think about next Sunday's episode.