Ray’s Rants Life in the 1950s 1960s 1970s Great Britain girls England family UK work school British

Ray’s Rants Life in the 1950s 1960s 1970s Great Britain girls England family UK work school British

Latest Episodes

The Nature Table, Scrap Books, School and other things from the past.
June 04, 2023

The Nature Table, Scrap Books, School and other things from the past. Did you have a nature table at school? Were you taught anything about nature? In this episode, I look back at a few things we did

Midweek Message 110.
May 31, 2023

Did teenage girls drive cars back in the 1960s? Did you have a nature table at school? These are just a couple of things I'll be chatting about this coming Sunday.

This and That - a load of ranting!
May 28, 2023

We have potholes, the traffic jams are terrible, there's nowhere to park your car... Let's have a good old rant! But the summer is here!

Midweek Message 109.
May 24, 2023

Public transport, busses, the railway... Is it good enough? I hope you're keeping well and enjoying outside happenings now that the summer has just arrived here in Briton.

Road Rage
May 21, 2023

The roads are getting worse with more and more cars appearing every year. Traffic jams, road works, Low Traffic Neighbourhoods, cycle lanes, pot holes... In this episode, I rant about the state of Bri

Midweek Message 108.
May 17, 2023

Now I'm back from the Isle of Wight, the summer has arrived! The weather wasn't too bad on the island and we had a great week. How are you? Everything OK, I hope? Do you have any ideas for this coming

The National Health Service and other chat and stuff
May 14, 2023

The NHS, that great British institution. But, does it work? All I hear on the news is how the national health service is in ruins and it's not fit for purpose. My experience of the health service has

Midweek Message 107.
May 10, 2023

Hi, did you enjoy the King's Coronation? Or perhaps you don't agree with the monarchy and gave it a miss. Whatever you did, I hope you had a good weekend. It rained here most of the weekend, which is

Coronation chat and more.
May 07, 2023

I can't say a great deal about the King's Coronation because I recorded this episode before it happened. However, I will be talking about it next Sunday. In the meantime, cars parked on pavements, fi

Midweek Message 106.
May 03, 2023

The summer has arrived! Well, almost. How are you? I'm doing well with lots of gardening and fresh air. Toothpaste... now, there's a subject. A friend of mine used to use Alax to clean his teeth. Hmm.